
Use of Pupil Premium


Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2022/23

Please see statement attached below, in the Documents section.



Pupil Premium – Use and Impact



The Pupil Premium Grant was introduced in April 2011 for pupils in England from low-income families.


Eligible students are those who:

  • Are receiving Free School Meals
  • Have received FSM at any point in the past 6 years
  • Are classed as looked after
  • Have at least one parent who is or was a member of the armed forces

The purpose of the grant is to address the underlying inequalities between FSM children and their peers. Children who have been eligible for FSM at any point in the past generally have lower academic results than those who have never been eligible for FSM.


Annual Allocations

Academic Year

Pupil Premium


















Students at TSGA face many different barriers to learning spanning both academic and non-academic experiences. TSGA chooses to tackle issues for underperformance and therefore appropriates the pupil premium grant towards academic needs primarily. This includes social needs in order to re-engage students back into classrooms and learning in a timely manner to lessen the time out of classrooms. The aim of TSGA is give pupils the opportunity to choose their right direction and to achieve success.


Use of Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium funding has been used in a variety of ways to ensure progress and academic

achievement for disadvantaged students through initiatives and programmes that support the engagement and involvement of disadvantaged students.


We will continue to use the pupil premium funding to support students at TSGA to raise social and academic standards of attainment, enabling our students to have a positive economic future. The funding has been used in a number of different areas, including but not limited to:

  • Purchase of individual laptops and dongles to encourage further study and enable virtual learning including Google classrooms, Seneca, The National Oak Academy and Bedrock
  • Revision guides have been provided at no cost to disadvantaged students in a variety of subjects such as Maths, Science and English. Also, where available revision software.
  • 1:1 reading and vocabulary sessions to further bridge the gap. Ensuring pupils have access to a variety of reading materials.
  • Buying in outside trainers to boost the learning of disadvantaged students such as personal one to one tutors.
  • 1:1 and small group tuition to bridge the gap in subjects such as English/Maths and Science specifically following on from Covid-19.
  • 1:1 tuition in the home when applicable and required
  • At TSGA we recognise that the health and welfare needs of our students are wide ranging. The academy therapeutic mentor supports students with their medical needs, counselling, first aid and one to one reading sessions, including the use of Bedrock, in addition, she provides therapeutic support to students who have social and emotional needs, working closely with them to reintegrate them back into classrooms to avoid any gaps in their learning.
  • Sex and relationships are also broadly covered but TSGA and additional to staff the academy uses outside agencies- speakers and on-line links etc
  • Increased staffing within our attendance office to ensure disadvantaged students can have a personal contact to discuss and arrange solutions for their non-attendance such as house pickups, bus passes and or purchasing of alarm clocks.
  • Use of the Academy minibus to pick up students who would otherwise find it difficult to attend school at no cost to student/parent or carer.
  • Taxis to and from school as and when required- safeguarding etc
  • The development of extra curriculum and enrichment activities such as sailing, Ice skating and bowling etc
  • The development and implementation of Individual development plans-offering specialised activities and resources to suit the students - for example a football mentor for pupils who require break-out sessions during the curriculum timetable.
  • Counselling for students - internally trained staff and external agencies
  • A robust rewards system that provides pupils with worthwhile and appropriate prizes- trips and meals out etc
  • P.E lessons that develop a variety of skills not necessarily associate with traditional P.E lessons – Trampoline Park, Ice Skating etc
  • Home school Liaison- using attendance officers, outreach workers and Heads of Houses to develop clear links with Home and school
  • Use of Outreach work to organise WEX to engage students
  • Purchasing of School Uniform specifically blazers and ties- and any other aspects of uniform as and when necessary.
  • Development and implementation of Vocational Days- including car maintenance; agriculture and animal care; sport and fitness rewards.
  • Apprenticeship TA’s to work with pupils in the classroom and help students to gain confidence in their understanding of topics and create strategies to enable their learning to progress.
  • Development of School based ‘Oasis’ to work with SEND pupils and to integrate new pupils into TSGA – equipment including Amazon Fire Tablets, exercise bikes and differentiated resources
  • We provide a cohesive careers plan, providing work experience and work-related learning in year 10 and 11 to reduce their risk of students becoming NEET.
  • Educational Psychologist, School Nurse services bought in to work with PP students etc
  • To provide breakfast items and snacks to students before and after school. This will ensure students are ready to learn.
  • Providing food for Cooking lessons both in school and at home during Covid-19


Other interventions that Pupil Premium funds are based on the Student’s Individual Learning Plan. These include:

  • Differentiated resources across the curriculum to enable students to engage and access a learning programme
  • Alternative Provision – fitness; bike maintenance; construction; agriculture & animal care


We have proven success in using these methods of intervention to support disadvantaged pupils to make progress and achieve.


Date of next strategy Review: September 2024


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Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2022/23 01st Sep 2023 Download
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